200 Meter run
50 Squats
50 Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 75 pounds
200 Meter run
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Sit-ups
200 Meter run
50 Push-ups
50 DB swings, 30 pounds
200 Meter run
Post time to comments.

The picture on the left illustrates the incorrect starting position for a dumbbell swing. On the right, the athletes hips are corrected, so he can generate more power when projecting the weight overhead.
Subbed 25 kipping pull-ups for 50 jumping pull-ups b/c of achilles injury.
I'm gonna say my time was around 20 or 21 minutes. This was particularly hard after Barbara yesterday. Do we get points for that? With modified push-ups, #45 SDHPs, and #20 DB swings.
Subbed with 50 jump pull ups all other as PX'd
17:58 Rx'd
DB swings are choppy
First time yesterday... awesome workout!! Thanks everyone. See you Saturday AM, dark and early...
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