For time:
Thrusters, 95lbs
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Thrusters, 65lbs
Thrusters, 45lbs
*Jumping Pull-ups can be substituted as needed.

Will Tagye, Nigel Costolloe, and Thor Helgason working on Karen.
Quite an impressive spectacle this morning with Neal and Will's Fran competition. You two show us how it's done. Such strong men! ;)
I had fun trying to keep up with Jo and her perfect form and deep squats on the thrusters...but alas, I could not. I think my time was 5:09? 6:09? w/modified pull-ups and 65#. Who knew the last three jumping pull-ups could be so torturous.
It's a gorgeous day today-everyone should feel great about your accomplishments. Have a good one!
5:05 with 65# and jumping pullups, racing Karen the entire time. Seriously, stress is really good for Crossfit improvements.
4:06 (45#) - not the best performance with light weight and jumping pullups. Neal told me I will be moving up on weights next time. Thanks for all the support everyone - especially EC and Will. I could hear EC cheering in the background (I think she was showing spirit fingers too) - then Will got right in my face - loved it because it motivated me to go faster. Excellent performance everyone - especially you strong men!! :)
glad youre back nancy!
7:23. id say 15-20 reg pullups mixed in there.
oh - and fyi - neal and will rock.
4:30 with not the best form, but I’ll take it.
Did any of you look at the CF website today?!?!?!? One name and a whole lotta pain, Linda aka THREE BARS OF DEATH!!!! Thankfully Neal is kind enough not to do something that evil when he only chose the ladies for this week's workouts. We should all thank him, except for me; I am going to kick him when he doesn't expect it for beating me by 8 seconds today.
4:22 as Rx'd. 23 seconds better than my previous PR. Thanks for pushin' hard Will! Now its time to get a sub 4:00 Fran.
Congratulations on the Fran PR, Neal. Way to go!
Hmmm; too fast out of the starting gate, as usual. 6.42 I think, as Rx'ed. Not bad for someone with the musculature of Peewee Herman.
OK, enough with those jokes, already!
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