"Filthy Fifty"
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Barbell rows, 45 pounds
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood (30lb Dumbbell)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Flutter kicks, 4 count
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Good Mornings, 45 pounds
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders (500 single jumps)
Post time to comments.
This version is again modified until we have a pull-up bar here at Crossfit Boston. Bear with me folks, it will be here shortly.

Hollow Rocks.
Modified versions:
A. Reduce all reps to 30 keeping the loads the same.
B. Reduce all reps to 15 keeping the loads the same.
Awesome...I could probably get the same effect by skipping the workout and picking a fight with five or six guys at the T station...
Time? No idea. I remember only the pain and grogginess between the wall balls of hell and the burpees. But-I'm glad I completed this. Loved the variety and watching Nigel.
um, 27:10ish - give or take 10 sec. i liked the filthy fifty- except for the fact that burpees are the spawn of satan.
30:21? Great fun, except for the parts when I was gasping for air. Sweet, sweet air.
Did Tabata This today since I didn't have access to any kind of facilities. Here's my mods. Pull-ups on a swaying, uneven tree limb. 4-count flutter kicks instead of sit-ups. Jumping jacks instead of row.
18 squats
4 pull-ups
8 push-ups
14 4-count flutter kicks
25 jumping jacks
--- Doug
that was a tough one... 33:02??
i think my face is still beet red...
26:35, single f****n' unders...
The walk out of Roxbury with Sam felt kinda like "Escape from L.A." Nobody wanted to fight, though.
This doesn't have a whole lot to do with anything but I wanted to share.
Last night, I held a handstand on paralletts for about 5 seconds. I was so psyched, I couldn't sleep. You guys keep me super motivated all the time. Thanks.
i just wanted to share that jon rocks. dude, thats awesome.
27:11 and I loved every minute (except of course for wall ball)
nice job on the handstand jon!
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