10 Pull-ups
20 Dumbbell single arm overhead squats
30 Dumbbell single arm split jerks
40 Dumbbell single arm walking lunges
3o Dumbbell single arm split jerks
20 Dumbbell single arm overhead squats
10 Pull-ups
All of the reps for single arm exercises should be split, i.e. 10 squats on the right and 10 squats on the left. Choose 40, 30, or 20 pounds for the load.
Post load used and time to comments.

Rope climbing is extremely functional.
20:25 w/ 40# DB
The OHS is the hardest part--if you shrug the ever-living heck out of the "up" shoulder, it's easier to remain balanced during the inward rotation.
Good stuff.
9:50 I think with 20#s then worked some front squats up to 135# 3x
Great job, Sam! Looks like you beat me at everything this week ;)
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