Made it through 2 rounds and 5 bear complexes before having to leave for work at around 40 minutes. 65# for the bears, pullups jumping 2x, 20# for the burpees, and 15# for the ohs.
whats a bear complex its not on the crossfit excercises page. thanks- i use crossfit boston when the wod on the main page is a rest day and i need to workout.
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mad props to the 0600 crew and participating in project mayhem!
inspired by yall, i did:
3 rounds
Row (1500, 1000, 500 m)
20 bear complex (45#)
20 ring dips (jumping)
20 wallball (20# ball)
didnt have a stopwatch, but i bet i was pushing 40 min.
good luck mike - we'll miss you! hope to see you in august!
Made it through 2 rounds and 5 bear complexes before having to leave for work at around 40 minutes. 65# for the bears, pullups jumping 2x, 20# for the burpees, and 15# for the ohs.
Good luck Mike!
Sorry I missed it buddy! Damn rest days...
Remember: "It doesn't have to be fun..."
whats a bear complex its not on the crossfit excercises page. thanks- i use crossfit boston when the wod on the main page is a rest day and i need to workout.
bear complex = hang clean with a full squat, press to overhead, then back squat to press to overhead. thats 1 rep.
Check out
There was a small article on the bear complex in early May. Just use the archive link on the right side of the page.
The Regan is brutal!
Round 1: 21:41
sub'd 1000m row for the run because of the f'n cardio-bots on the treadmills at Gold's
Round 2: 23:50 Rx'd
Round 3: Yeah, right. Pre- and post-workout weigh-in showed a 2 pound weight loss. Congratulations to any and all who finished this one Rx'd.
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