2000m Row
Ring Dips
Rest 2-3 minutes between efforts.
On pullups: Chin must be above the bar at the top, and shoulders must be directly below elbows at the bottom (full extension).
On dips: Shoulders to rings, elbows higher than shoulders (full depth). Full lockout at the top.
Post completed reps for pullups and dips, time for row. Have a partner monitor your form and count full-ROM reps only.

20 pull-ups, 10:05 row (ugh), and 8 dips (PR)
29 pull-ups (PR, +7)
7:50:60 Row (PR, 1st attempt)
20 dips (PR, 1st attempt)
Great job today, Roman. As always, it was fun to work with you.
Ha. Yeah. I'll do sub-6:00 next time. :) It'd only be a 25% reduction or so...
Technically, power = work / time = force * velocity. But who's getting technical?
23 jumping pullups
8:20 row
10 jumping dips
Conclusion of my last pull-up notwithstanding, a slight improvement over my last PR of 31..
Pull-ups; 35 and a swan dive on #36
Dips; 20
Row; 7.43.5
Aiming for 40 pullups, 25 dips and 7.25 on the row by the end of August.
My performance would be much improved without EC's distracting hip gyrations...
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