10 one-arm hang squat snatch (10 left, 10 right)
10 pullups
10 handstand pushups
Use 20, 30, 35, or 40# DB for snatch. Substitute jumping pullups, handstand negatives, or military press negatives, as needed.
Post time, load, and modifications to comments.

Marcia takes a walk in the park...
hey jon - turns out jackie is easier than we thought. it's only 30 pullups. so - you may be sub 10, and i could easily take a good 4-5 minutes off mine. those extra 20 pullups were a killer for me!
Huh? I'd be sub-10 easy! The row is sub-4, and 50 thrusters can be done in about two minutes. That leaves 4 minutes for 30 pullups--only 8/min!
Thanks for the update, EC!
knock it off, you two.
stop your yammering and start exercising!
7.25 for today's warm-up of the day....
Don't make me come over there, Nigel...
30# db snatch, and pike pushups (def better then slow ohp sub)
oh, and four open blisters from pullups. wtf? does anyone else have this constant problem?
35# db snatch, a few plops and the rest pikes, pullups were jumping.
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