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Congratulations, Gang! Crossfit Boston/Crossfit MetroWest raised over $1200 for Athletes for a Cure and the Prostate Cancer Foundation. Thanks to everyone who pulled through at the midnight hour! See you on Saturday!

Rena Sokolow getting some on the 27" box.
We did a different workout - 4 rounds of 20 squat jumps, db jerks, split squats, db snatch. I used 20# for 2 rounds, then dropped back to 15# for 2 rounds. Jenn, Gordon, Jo and Thor rocked the house.... thanks to Thor for helping me get those last 20 split squats!!
Oh, and I finished in 24:23. Thanks EC for a great class --
nice work linda - and the rest of the 0600 class! gordon somehow managed to not stop at all during that one.
i got a tast of my own medicine at 0700, 19:52 with 30# db.
i love jerks.
Nice time ec....I was kind of proud of the fact that my time was less than twice what gordon did it in...great effort all!
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