Thanks to everyone who's raised dough for Athletes for a Cure and the Prostate Cancer Foundation! We've received a lot of support since Monday, and it is very much appreciated. To date, we've raised $945. Let's get closer to our $1500 goal!
Click here to donate!
For time:
95 pound Hang squat clean to thruster, 30 reps
Post time to comments.

Full hip extension, Karen Sutton.
it took 50 minutes of mobility to be able to get in the proper front squat position painfree, still had to stay at 45# though.
That workout hurts so good. I ended up dropping the bar after 21 reps--my pinkie would no longer close. I got a little upset about that :)
6:59 Rx'd
During the 7 am class, Steve T. got me, Sammy, and Leo practicing muscleups--I got 4 in a row (!), and Leo got 2. This marks the first time either of us has managed a muscleup. Thanks, Steve!!!
congrats jon - youve def worked for that!
(and thx for the fundraiser post!)
Full FREAK Extension, is more like it. Yikes.
....and today's WOD was something around 5 minutes and it was all about the grip or not losing the grip. With 65#.
We were a lonely group this am, just EC, Jon, Sam and me. A hard working, yet lonely group.
6:19 with 65#
nice work Karen!
Awesome job Jon- the muscle-ups looked great!
Yep, lonely but productive. (cue soft music) "...ain't got call my owowow-own..." (end music)
Karen, now that you mention it, you do look pretty agro in that picture...Get Some!
Thanks for the props, guys. Steve actually gave me magic bracelets which levitated me through the transition. He's a hell of a guy.
Way to come through with the donations today!
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