WOD: "Chelsea"
With a continuously running clock, do the following, every minute on the minute for 30 minutes:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
When you can no longer keep pace, note the number of completed rounds. Continue for the remaining time.
Post Rounds on Pace and Rounds Total to Comments.

14 rounds on pace, 22 rounds total. Congrats to the 30 rounders. I don't know how you guys manage it.
Skipped Chelsea for another "Gilson special" - 150 burpee-boxjump-pullups.
Completed in 42:20. Nice job to Rod too for sharing the torment with me...
30 rounds...my secret is to seriously modify the hard parts (aka the pushups and pullups).
I'll be hard core tomorrow.
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