Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Strength: 5x5 Weighted Pull-ups

WOD: As Many Rounds As Possible (20 minutes)
10 DB Thrusters
12 Walking Lunge Alternating Dumbbell Pressouts
10 DB Burpees

Skill: Headstand Practice

Post Completed and Partial Rounds to Comments.

Got Ups?


Anonymous said...

6 and 1/3 rounds with 30# DB(20# DB for the lunges). Felt great this AM but sore now, especially the abs.

The AMRAP WODs are always harder than they appear when written on the board. Great work this AM, all, and welcome aboard, Mike!


Anonymous said...

4.5 rounds 20#. Coordinating the walking lunges (left leg out, right up w/ DB press) proved to be the greatest challenge for me, especially as fatigue set in.

Let's not forgot the tripod/headstands. Steve put on a show - unbelievable!!


Anonymous said...

4 rounds; roughly 3 with 30's and 1 with 25's.

Strong work to "new guy" Mike, as well as the rest of the group.


Will T said...

3 1/3 Rds with 40's. That was not a good time. Thanks alot Steve for the hard workout! Hehe


Unknown said...

4 1/3 rounds last round or so with 30s, Jo was kind enough to trade me for my 25s....

Steve you are a firebreather. no doubt.
