Monday, April 23, 2007


Crossfit Warmup: Add two skills to the warm-up, choosing exercises that need practice.

Strength: Shoulder Press

WOD: 400m Sprint
Three attempts at Maximum Speed with 3 minute rest between attempts.

Post 90% load and 400m Splits to Comments.

Travis D'Amato


Anonymous said...

Great workout!

Should press at 90% was 105 pounds

400m sprint times were 1:32, 1:33, 1:35

Good work Rod and Colin!!


Colin said...

90% of Shoulder Press was approximately 140# - couldn't complete 3 reps in every set, but worked at it...

400m Intervals were 1:13, 1:21, 1:24

Anonymous said...

90% was 115#,
runs were sloooow; 1.15 and then downhill from there in fact by the end of the first one thought a call to 911 might be necessary....oh, the horror!


Anonymous said...

after nearly 7 weeks of injury, illness, and work interfering with cross fit, able to work out today without the aid of a walker (or a call to 911 nigel!) and tho i walked in with fear and trepidation, neal was able to beat it out of me!

90% for shoulder press was 70#

did the rower with mark, 2:29 then 2:08 then 1:59 for 500 yards each.

only 13 weeks to triathlon!


Anonymous said...

I'm slugging off this week as I'm running the Big Sur Marathon on Sunday. (Guaranteed to be better weather than the Boson Marathon!)

90% 1 rep max shoulder press was 95#

Rowed outdoors in the sun w Hilarie -- times of 2:01, 2:08 and 2:02 for 500 m

-- Mark

Jonathan Gilson said...

135 on the 90% Shoulder Press,

Decent first split for the first sprints of the season--1:10

Ran like a three-legged dog after that--1:27, 1:29