Skill: Cleans from Position 2 and Jerk
WOD: Front Squat
60%x5x1 (One Set of Five at 60% 1RM)
70%x5x1 (One Set of Five at 70% 1RM)
80%x3x1 (One Set of Three at 80% 1RM)
90%x3x3 (Three Sets of Three at 90% 1RM)
Rest 3 minutes between sets when working above 80%. Post loads to Comments.
Niko contemplates a set of heavy deads.
Drama Queen here. Worked up to #120 with frequent failures. I think I'm still working out Monday's WOD, stiff, cranky old gal that I am. In fact, I love how by just merely standing still for a minute makes my muscles sore all over again, never mind the sitting.
And on a high note, it's always great to see Linda and Jo do so well!
Karen, you actually got to 125#, as did I. Don't sell yourself short!
Great work today everyone. The guys (Erik, Nigel, Scott) were making it look like child's play this morning.
Erik and Nigel might have made it look like child's play, but I made it look like Mr. Magoo in shorts. I think I did 125#. My limit is flexibility.
Worked up to 305, 80% of max, for doubles. Faile at 335 for 90%. So. . .80% was my 90% today. :-(
Up to 135#
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