Skill: Agility Drills
WOD: Ten Minute DB Snatch Test
Do as many one-armed snatches as you can in ten minutes. You may switch hands as much as desired, but you cannot put the dumbbell down. If you do, the test ends. Use 30, 35, 40, or 55 pounds.
The view from the Olympic Training Center, Colorado Springs.
Great job 6am. Thanks Will for another tough one... the agility section could have been a WOD of its own. 160 w/ 40lbs for the snatches.
This was rough, I looked like I jumped into a pool afterwards, nothing like losing some water weight! And I am really glad I didn't hurt Jo jumping over her this morning....
WOD: 77 with 40lbs, need to work on my grip.
WOD: 101 with 40# DBs. After the WOD, and the agiity drill (a workout in and of itself), I was, as Jon Gilson puts it, a "Zen puddle".
Nice work to all this AM, and Erik, you rocked on the WOD!
It's nice to be back.
WOD: 82 with 30#. Grip was an issue. Towards the end, I was switching hands for every other one.
Erik was a rock star today.
7AM -
Steve led a small crew on an amusing agility course of hurdles, pullovers, plyo-boxes, rolls, diving rolls, slalom and monkey bars. Sweet!
I was already tired when we started the WOD.
108 reps w/ 40#
81 reps with 35#
Travis was nice enough to hold his arms low for me to jump over during the agility part, nothing like a considerate workout partner.
159 40 pounds
PRior to agility tests.
6 pm
Somer saults were uuugly.
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