Post total pull-ups to comments.
0700 Class showing teamwork.
0700 Class showing teamwork.
The 0600 Group Hard at work.
4. The team with the most "hits" at the end of the game wins.
Those in the back, raise your hand if you're sure.
CrossFit Boston's Birthday girls, Jo and Sam!
The logistics of "Chaos".
CrossFit Boston and Murph!
Gordon B. triple extension!
Well deserved rest after FGB!
Medicine Ball Cleans.
The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate", the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
Come check us out!
Turkish Get-ups.
Careful kids, this stuff can be dangerous!
The Overhead squat.
The Samson stretch, part of the official CrossFit warm-up, is a great way of stretching the hip area before your workouts.
Knee to elbows.
Congratulations to Thor Helgason, pictured, Nigel Costolloe, Marcia Keough and Sam Keough for competing in and finishing the Hyannis Marathon on Sunday.