3 Rounds for time:
75 pound thrusters, 20 reps
Long jump, 50 feet
30 pound DB snatch, 20 reps each arm
Walking lunges, 50 feet
20 pound wall ball shots, 20 reps to a 10 foot target
Roving plank, 50 feet
Ring pull-ups, 20 reps
Bear crawl, 50 feet
Handstand push-up, 20 reps
Walking lunges, 50 feet
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The logistics of "Chaos".
Ha ha....brutal.
Modifications are too many to list; let's just say I used most of them. Thanks to everyone who made the start of my birthday painfully fulfilling!
45# DB thrusters (+10 at 75#)
20# DB snatches
8# wallball
I agree with Jo- excellent start to my birthday
Thanks Will for the great workout! It was fun.
42:21 Rx'd
Happy Birthday Sam and Jo! I hope you both had a great day.
Great job to everyone that pushed through Chaos.
I hope everyone noticed the extra effort that Sam posted by getting 10 reps in the 3rd round on the 75lb Thruster!
Happy Birthday to Sam and Jo!!
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