"The Big Greenie"
For time:
50 Push-ups, 50 sit-ups, 50 weighted squat jumps, 10 pull-ups
40 Push-ups, 40 sit-ups, 40 weighted squat jumps, 8 pull-ups
30 Push-ups, 30 sit-ups, 30 weighted squat jumps, 6 pull-ups
20 Push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 20 weighted squat jumps, 4 pull-ups
10 Push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 weighted squat jumps, 2 pull-ups
Weight used for the squat jumps should be either 40, 30, or 20 pound dumbbells.
Post time to comments.

CrossFit Boston and Murph!
It was a flurry of Irish activity this morning, with Sam Keough flying through the WOD like a green hornet. And Nigel was fun to watch with his occassional bouts with Lightheaded McGillicuddy. Too much early morning Guinness, Nigel?
All in all, St. Pat's was greeted with lots of sweat. Some green, some not.
My time: 23:15 w/30# for jumping squats, modified pull-ups and push-ups.
30# for the jumps, the rounds of 40 and 30 push-ups were modified
yes, i think sam was done before i finished my set of 50 squat jumps. mixed modfied/reg pullups and pushups, 30# jumps - in 31ish, i think.
Done with modified pullups, mixed pushups and 30# for the squat jumps.
27:45 - modified pullups, mixed pushups (mostly modified) and 15# for squat jumps - last 2 sets with 20# - Nancy
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