Partner up and each person perform 3 rounds for time:
15 X 95# Bear Complex
15 L-Pull ups with false grip
60 Sit-ups
200 Meter Run
The "pet rocks" can be a pair of 1.5 pood kettlebells, 50# dumbbells, or 45# plates. One partner holds the pets while the other does the exercise. You may switch when necessary, but they must not touch the ground. Pets hate to be left alone or worse yet dropped. If the "pets" are dropped or set down on the ground each partner must add 5 reps to the exercise they are doing.

Nancy and Eva Claire, holding their "Pet Rocks."
Oy. Done in a threesome with Doug and Karen; we dopped down the reps to 10 and then 8 bear complexes with 65# on the bar, 40 situps and Karen and I did 30 jumping pullups. Our pets were the 30 and 40# Dbs. Took 42:17 and now typing makes my hands hurt.
(Our pets were named "Butch" and "Demon Spawn".)
Damn my mouse buttons! Damn them! Damn them!
I was in Jo's group. I was able to do the false grip pull-ups but had to modify the sit-ups a little to either side of my tail bone with a pad under me. Held the 40#'ers until the end when I switched to holding 30# dumbbells over my head as if they were part of an IBS. Same time as Jo.
--- Doug
The 40#'ers were "Sugar" & "Spice"!
I felt like such an old, weak and tired curmudgeon this a.m. but now the weather's nice. Gotta focus on the positive. Great job by all those young, happy people this morning. EC and Nancy whizzed through 3 rnds. so fast. Well done.
Thanks for being a great workout partner this morning EC - your motivation helped tremendously!! Now - let's talk about our pet named "Neal" - he is very heavy. I had to close my eyes and find peace through all the pain. My hands still hurt.
3 rounds of 45# bears, jumping pull ups, 60 sit ups and 200 meter sprint = 34:49. Great job everyone!
34 and change w/ jumping false grip pullups.
dare i say i should have gone a little heavier for the bear complex? the 40# DB pet rocks left their mark, though. i cant hold a pen to save my life.
karen, nice work with the 65#!
37.?? for time
95 Bar
1.5 pood rocks
Will & AC
75# bar
1.5 pd KBs
w/Mike Regan. Mike's a bad@$$.
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