Push press
Complete one set of max pull-ups
Push press
Choose a load for the push press that is near 90% of your 1 rep maximum effort for the push press. Keep this weight for all sets and after the pull-ups go back to the push press and attempt to complete all five sets with the same weight.

The correct path of the push press.
was that in 20 min?
Done with 85# and improving form; almost got one real pullup and then did a bunch of jumping ones. Kept the weight the same for all remaining sets.
Thanks to Nigel for correcting my form. A lot of valid points there. Appreciated it.
So crazy out of it this morning. First round with 75# then only 7 semi-jumping-mostly-pulling pull-ups and then the second round at 85#. Did push jerks and then presses, when I got the form right.
Need to re-visit this thing you people call 'push press'.
Push press was 95#, 21 pull-ups each set.
Astonished to see Toby handle the weight as though it was a popsicle stick.
Once again, humbled by Crossfit. Oh, and I was a tad late.
1st set 55# with 10 jumping pull ups and finished with 65# - first time with the push press. Need to work on form to prevent Neil from hurting me with the PVC piping. Thanks for all the encouragement Nigel. :)
- Nancy
160 before pullups.
150 for three sets and then 145 for rest after pulls.
115 lbs. for the Push Press;
21 pull-ups;
125 lbs. for the last three sets.
Set 1: 95,115,135,155,165x2 (PR), fail
Pullups: 22 (PR)
Set 2: 165x1,fail,fail,145,145,155x2,fail
(Done 3/16/06)
Great job on hitting two new PR's. Your intensity is fantastic.
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