5 ring dips 5 false grip ring pullups 5 ring pushups
The priority of this workout is to focus on the individual skills. Muscle ups can be substituted for the individual movements of ring pull-ups and ring dips.
Triple extension on the snatch.
I'm told that if one's muscles are aching, it means that those muscles were recently used in a big way. This is good, because the soreness currently affecting much of my uppper body affirms the existence of the teaspoonful of muscle that's there. Ten rounds of ring work is always a great W.O.D. After a few rounds of the push-ups and dips, the muscles (mine, anyway)exhibit a jelly-like behavior.
Great job everyone, and Kara, you did well on those push-ups!
Steve, you could be forgiven if you lost count of the number of muscle-ups you performed. You rock!
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I'm told that if one's muscles are aching, it means that those muscles were recently used in a big way. This is good, because the soreness currently affecting much of my uppper body affirms the existence of the teaspoonful of muscle that's there. Ten rounds of ring work is always a great W.O.D. After a few rounds of the push-ups and dips, the muscles (mine, anyway)exhibit a jelly-like behavior.
Great job everyone, and Kara, you did well on those push-ups!
Steve, you could be forgiven if you lost count of the number of muscle-ups you performed. You rock!
Enjoy the day!
i did a very modified version (45#) of isabel (30 rep snatch for time). a2a depth on squat - 13:57.
sort of humbling how long that took, i need to add more ME days to up my strength.
I for one lost count of the rounds. I would type more, but my arms aren't working right now. Must work on that lockout....
Thanks, Thor. This is such an encouraging and inspiring group of people. I really appreciate you all for that!
FYI- Will got a taste of his own medicine at 7am.
Aching muscles and blistered wrists, all from a seriously modified workout.
Crossfit, how I love thee!
I hear you about the aching muscles and blistered wrists Jo!
and who knew I could make such an attractive face while snatching?
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