Tabata Dumbbell Thrusters
400m Sprint
Tabata Push-ups
400m Sprint
Tabata Pull-ups
400m Sprint
Tabata Situps
Each Tabata interval is twenty seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest, repeated eight time. The score for each Tabata exercise is the lowest number of reps achieved in any of the eight intervals.
Post 400m splits/Tabata scores to comments.

Good work this morning! Colin Campbell and Sam gave the workout a run for its money, and ended up still standing come 8 o'clock!
I'm proud of both of you!
If you get a chance, check out the Main Page today! The folks at HQ were kind enough to post a video of me kipping on the AF Bar! Whoohoo!
set the standard too low on thursters (20#) and pullups at rd one
7 thrusters
5 push-ups
4 pullups
10 situps
we didnt get the splits on the 400s, but felt pretty good this am.
nice work to newbie jess - hope she becomes a regular at xfit philly!
8 thrusters (20#)
4 pushups (unmodified)
technically 0 on the pullups, round 2 did not go so well
10 situps
So I got a 22...but I did 4 kipping pullups in a row on round 1!
And I'm working on Jess to join xfit philly...she had a great time with all of you this morning, thanks for being so inclusive!
jo, thats awesome - youve really been working on the pullups! congrats!
jon-thanks for taking the time out to teach me how to do kipping pullups. i have lots of practicing to do!
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