4,000 miles down, and about 2,600 to go (we decided to add a small 500 mile side trip to the grand canyon, which was absolutely freezing at 5 degrees one night, but also pretty amazing). Hope everyone at Crossfit Boston is doing well, and that Gilson is still motivating everyone with his unique style.
21 something with 20s and jumping pullups. I had a near collision with Jon as he was coming in from his last 800M run and I was just heading out!! Great fun was had by all, esp the tabata V ups to finish the class.
Jon - thanks for the conversation after class re tight hamstrings - I definitely need to pay more attention to stretching from now on.
Hey everyone, hope all is well back in beantown. Loving the upgraded site neal, its looking good. Just got myself a timer out her in Colorado...finally. This one really killed me. Finished in 15:25 with 35# DB. See you all in a few weeks. Keep working everyone.
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16:39 w/40s
That was great. Good job this morning, and welcome to Cheri (sp?).
Heal up Colin!
20:22 with 30s
tough workout- great job everyone!
Holy smokes, I made the website!! Thanks neil!
4,000 miles down, and about 2,600 to go (we decided to add a small 500 mile side trip to the grand canyon, which was absolutely freezing at 5 degrees one night, but also pretty amazing). Hope everyone at Crossfit Boston is doing well, and that Gilson is still motivating everyone with his unique style.
er, I mean Neal, not neil. My bad.
17 something, thank god this was only 3 rounds or Gilson would have lapped me.
40# thrusters felt horrible after Saturday.
neal, you always find a wod that nails the same muscle group before it's recovered.
I'm going back to Beacon Hill and 'Boot camp for Geriatrics and Invalids'.....anyone care to join? Kiki? EC?
We all miss ya here @ crossfit. glad all is well and I enjoy catching up with your posts. take care!
21 something with 20s and jumping pullups. I had a near collision with Jon as he was coming in from his last 800M run and I was just heading out!! Great fun was had by all, esp the tabata V ups to finish the class.
Jon - thanks for the conversation after class re tight hamstrings - I definitely need to pay more attention to stretching from now on.
Around 21, was too busy panting to actually hear...30's and about 3 real pullups.
still limited by a pulled hamstring.
did AMRAP in 20 min:
500 m row
15 pull-ups
50 double unders
got 4 full rounds, a 500 m row, and 4 pullups
Hey everyone, hope all is well back in beantown. Loving the upgraded site neal, its looking good. Just got myself a timer out her in Colorado...finally. This one really killed me. Finished in 15:25 with 35# DB. See you all in a few weeks. Keep working everyone.
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