Dynamic Warm-up
Skill: Jerk (45/75/95)
As Many Rounds As Possible (20 minutes):
20 Push Jerks (110/75)
40 Double Unders
20 KB Sumo Deadlift High-pulls (2 pood/1.5 pood)
Post modifications and completed/partial rounds to comments.

Bart reaches triple extension on the rack pull.
4 rds, 8 sdhp
75#/1.5 pd
not a pr, but any day that has jerks is a good day.
2.5 w/65# and 1pd (thanks Neal)
Crazy winded w/those double unders. Sheesh.
Nice work for the 40+ crowd this AM (not counting EC, of course!)
2.5 rounds, w/2 pood KB for the high pulls, and 75# push-jerks. Karen's dead-on in her assessment of the double unders...they're real energy-drainers. My repeated attempts to do more than two consecutive ones resulted in my getting quite a lashing with the rope. Captain Bligh would be terribly proud.
St. Augustine, FL
Hey guys,glad to see y'all working so hard. We just hit the Atlantic Coast, some 6,350 miles ridden so far, only another 520 to go til we reach Key West.
Strange as it may be, I'm looking forward to returning to the fantastic pain-fest that is crossfit boston. See y'all (i've been in the south for far too long, I apologize) on December 18th!!
double unders are hard
I managed 3 rounds and 15 push jerks
Erik- It's good to hear everything's going well! Congrats on the 6,350 miles- that's amazing.
3 2/80....95# and 1.5 pd. Went at it solo tonight, what happened to the 5:30 class?
bart, everyone heard about how rad the 6:30pm class is and have converted over. tomorrow night i'm sure we will work our magical powers on you too.
3 20/80 and very modified. doubleunders are ridiculous.
frederika, how is your nose?
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