Skill: Thruster Max Effort 5-3-2-2-1-1-1-1
WOD: As Many Rounds As Possible (20 minutes)
5 Snatch-Grip Deadlifts
5 Snatch-Grip Highpulls
5 Snatches
Use 45, 65, or 95 pound barbell.
Post maximum thruster to comments.
Post completed rounds and modifications to comments.

Thruster 145#maxPR
WOD somewhere around 9 rounds never been very good at snatch
WOD 9 or 10 rounds with 45#. Tough one.
Steve was to my left doing his best incredible hulk imitation :-)
Great work everyone
Most unpleasant...maybe 9 or 10 rounds w/45#. No love today, only tight, tight, tight muscles (if that's what you call them).
Great to see Jo, Steve, Gordon and Thor crank these out, tho. Nice work!
1RM Thruster: 165lb.
WOD: 9 rounds with 85lb(Linda thinks I did 10 but I'm not sure).
Thanks, Will, for the great coaching this morning!
WOD: 13 rounds with 65 lb bar. The DL and the DLHPs were fine, but the snatches slowed me down greatly, given the challenge to maintain that lower lumber curve during the movement, and to "drive through those heels and lock out those arms". Thanks for the focused instruction this AM, Will, and nice work, everyone!
8 rounds @ 75#
Way to listen, Leo. What did I tell you yesterday?
Do you just nod and smile, or what?
Cream puff...
Thruster at 95#, not a pr
8 rounds at 65# for the wod, nice job to Karen for pushing it through...nothing like gutting it out when all you want to do is stop. Or sleep.
11 5/15 with 75#'s. Neal swithched it up and we did the thrusters last...185 max
9 14/15 with 45#. did not get a great effort out but felt much more comfortable with snatches.
did not reach 1RM on thrusters, old injury preventing most overhead work.
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