Monday, April 09, 2007


Skills: Gymnastics

Ring Inverts
Levers (Front/Back)

WOD: Three Rounds for Time

20 Pullups
30 Pushups
40 Situps
50 Squats

Post Time to Comments.

Fredrica pulls a deadlift PR.


Anonymous said...

14.05 on the WOD.

It's lovely to be able to recoup my manhood on these sprint workouts after spending yet another Saturday doing remedial Oly lifts while the bigdogs throw the bars around...


Anonymous said...

Love these bodyweight exercises. Low-tech. High reward.

I am so happy to be working out again that I forgot to record my time.


Jonathan Gilson said...

Bart: 24:53
Nigel: 14:04
Thor: 18:30
Karen: 21:45
Erik: 16:10
Eileen: 15:33
Sam: 15:54
Erica: 21:12
Jo: 23:15
Rod: 24:53
Colin: 19:38
Mike: 22:10
Troy: Next time, brother.
Scott: 23:23. I remembered, Mr. Lush.
Jim: 29:22
Sean 21:36
Mark: 25:38
Jon: 14:54
Neal, aka "Fat Boy": 21:41
Fredrica: 17:09
Alex: 21:32

I wouldn't want the world to think nobody works out at CFB ;)



"Fat Boy" said...

Yes I am the "fat boy"

Anonymous said...

I believe the caption in today's photo should read "Fredrica pulls a deadlift PR whilst wearing her most stylish socks"

Thor, rumor has it that you (and maybe one other Boston CF'er?) are running the Mt Washington race this June...shoot me an email at my gmail account (fintrone) if you'd like to coordinate a ride down from the summit