Test: 1000m Row
WOD: Back Squat
60%X5X1, 70%X5X1, 80%X3X1, 90%X3X3
The first set is 60% of your maximum for five reps. The second is 70%, etc. Work up to 90% for three sets of three.
Post your row time and load used for final three sets to comments.
The 6 p.m. class takes on the ten-minute snatch test.
3.30 on the row, as requested by Neal.
50% under my PR on the back squats; quads still on fire from Monday....kudos to Scott for focus and motivation on improving his form.
3:26.7 on the row, as requested by Nigel ;)
Pretty smoked after the row. Worked up to 90% of my PR, but couldn't do more than 1 Rep per set of it.
See you tomorrow...
Nigel is THE MAN. I just wanted everyone to know that. He's been darn good on every workout I've seen and he spent time explaining how I can improve my form.
1000m row: 3:55.5
welcome to the club, scott.
every now and then i take class, and remember how fun it is! well, minus that blood taste in my mouth post-row and the 40 minutes it took to recover.
3:27 row, and up to 135# on the BS.
oh, and so to be member of the month - do i actually have to attend classes?
dream big, alex.
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