Wednesday, September 07, 2005

WOD 090705

Today's 6am class had six participants and the 7am class had two participants this wonderful New England morning. For the 6am class today we focused on the rings and the ever elusive muscle-up. The first 30 minutes of class was strictly gymnastic form, false grip pull-ups, dips, transition point of the muscle-up, etc. Everyone did a great job of this with varying degrees of assistance. While some were on the rings, others were practicing their handstands. Top nods go to Nigel for the best handstand of the day.

With the final 10 minutes of class, the workout was to perform 75 DB Thrusters for time.

The 7am class started with the CrossFit warm-up and then quickly proceeded to a workout that consisted of the following:

For Time:
1000 meter row
50 Wall Ball Shots
1000 meter row
50 ring dips

Average time of completion was 20 minutes. Afterwards, the 7am class went to practicing on the rings same as the 6am class.

Here at CrossFit Boston we are in the process of organizing a workout/fundraiser for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Stay tuned for more details.

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