Friday, June 01, 2007


5:30pm Class TODAY and TOMORROW'S 11AM INTRO CLASS are CANCELLED for a Weekend Seminar.


Skill: 20 minutes of Striking and Kicking

WOD: Two rounds for time of:

2 Rounds for Time:
30 Dumbbell Deadlift
30 Dumbbell Cleans
30 Dumbbell Jerks

Use the same weight for all three movements. Post load used and time to comments.

john hackleman coaching how to strike. courtesy of


Anonymous said...

11:26 with 20# DBs
It's good to be back!


LindaW said...

16:26 20# DBs. Nigel rocked it out with twice as much weight, so I won't say another word about how hard this was for me :-)

Good to see Sam and Jon back in action - welcome back guys!

ScottL said...

I wouldn't want to get into a street fight with any of you guys, considering the striking and kicking I saw today!!

WOD = 15 minutes? (I forget the time because I am delirious)

Unknown said...

17 or 18 minutes with 40lbs. the cleans were definately the hardest part for me.

Loved the striking practice, epecially when Scott kept role playing and saying "Give me your money!" and then I would front kick him. good stuff.


Colin said...

Turns out that I'd forgotten a lot of my old go-ju-ryu learning - amazing what 12 years will do, huh? Rod and I worked this WOD as best as we could, but what a killer!

40# DBs, 18:20 to complete.

Jonathan Gilson said...

Back to CrossFit after months of Oly, and it turns out it's hard!

16:something with 30# DBs

Good stuff!

Anonymous said...

6:00 AM

19+ with 35# DBs. Muscles I didn't know I had are now aching!
Love those jerks.

Great job, everyone!


Anonymous said...

15:03 with 30's...and my sense that I'd make a horrible street fighter was confirmed when I kept forgetting which hand to hit first with.
