WOD: Tabata/Muscleup Challenge
Tabata Squats
Muscle-up for Reps, 4:00 minutes
Multiply Tabata score by Muscle-ups completed to get your overall score.
Strength: 3x3 Deadlift
Repeat WOD.
Post Challenge scores, Deadlift load, and any modifications to comments.

RD 1:
14 Tabata
2 Muscle ups
28 Total (Looooooooow Score)
Dead #325
RD 2
15 Tabata
4 Muscle ups
60 Total (Still Looooow)
Congrats to all the hard chargers who made the board!!!!
Steve, Erik, Leo each with a 21 Tabata score and Linda with a 17 Tabata score.
Rd 1
Tabata: 17
MU: 0
Jumping Ring Dips: 14?
DL: 145#
Rd 2
Tabata: 15
MU: 0
Jumping Ring Dips: 12?
My score would be zero, but let's not go there.
Good times were had by all.
wod: tabata 20, a few sorta-jumping MUs
DL 3x3, 175 (up from 3x3@165 last week)
we noodled around so long with DLs and dog torture that sadly there was no time for Rd2, tho I'm sure it would've been just as great as Rd1
- fredrica
Round 1: 21 Tabata, 15 MUs*
Score: 315
DL: 365 x 3 x 3
Round 2: 20 Tabata, 6 MUs
Score: 120
*First eight or so MUs were not done from a deadhang. Started with elbows bent to nearly 90 degrees. I am so ashamed.
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