In this workout you have five stations:
Wall-ball (20 pound ball, 8 ft target)
Deadlift High-pull (75 pounds)
Box Jump (20" box)
Push-press (75 pounds)
Row (Calories)
For each round, spend one minute at each station, doing as many repetitions as possible. Repeat for three rounds with a one-minute rest between rounds.
The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," the athlete must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point. Score is aggregated across all three rounds to arrive at final score.
Post score to comments.

This "ambush" method of springing FGB works for me I guess... 318
Nice job Colin!
First time FGB for me.... 207 - I need to try this again :-) Thanks to the 6am crew, esp Jo, for all the encouragement. I needed it!
A low 261 not the lowest but not the highest either. I did however get 30 in the first row. Hmmm maybe there is some connection there.
Great work Colin!!
Welcom to your first FGB Linda and Travis.
Started with the row as opposed to the box jumps and while my station scores were completely different, my overall score was only 1 point less than last time.
Interesting. Also, props to Erik for cheering us all on.
ugh. 279. still far off from 300 goal.
233, strangely lower than my performance while jetlagged...
My first fight gone bad, and I wasn't "normal" for at least 2 hours afterwards...good times.
188 for my first time, thanks to Thor (sp?), Erik, Jo and linda for cheering me on. Will, thanks for the punishment. you guys rock.
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