1 Mile Run
3 rounds of:
20 Pull-ups
20 Push-ups
20 Squats
1 Mile Run
Partner up with another athlete of similar ability, and complete the WOD together. Both members of the team must complete each segment of the WOD before moving on to the next segment. Time is called when the last team member crosses the finish line.
Post Team Time to Comments.

Phase II is now starting! Six sessions of one-on-one instruction in the Olympic Lifts with USA Weightlifting Club Coach Neal Thompson for only $300. Ask Neal for details!
Woooo-Weeee. After 2 weeks off this was a tough one. Partner Erica and I rallied each other through rowing, jumping pull-ups and whatnot. Took us over 20 minutes. All said, was nice to be back.
Have a good one, it's gorgeous out!
Rod, Colin and I rocketed to...20:14.
This was a great all-around workout!!
This was my first month back since October; thanks to the 6am regulars for all the motivation. Neal, this was an awesome WOD! Thank you for cheering me on, Karen!
around 30 minutes
used parker hill for the run - thanks for the good company, jon
though they were painfully slow, all but 9 of the pullups were for real :)
You kicked butt. Thanks for being on my team!
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