One-armed Overhead Squat
Weighted Bear Crawl
Overhead Walking Lunge (25-45 pound plate)
WOD: For Time
10 KB Swings
20 One-armed Overhead Squats
30 One-armed Split Jerks
40 One-armed Snatch
30 One-armed Split Jerks
20 One-armed Overhead Squats
10 KB Swings
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I thought we were doing crossfit so we could bust out awesome bodybuilding poses like this....Don't judge me Jon
we're adding pose-down training to the phase I course. its a skill set REQUIRED of all xfit boston participants
I knew we were missing something at CCF!
Forging Wicked Elite Fitness is Awesome!
Is that like Forging Awesome Elite Fitness
or Forging Super Elite Fitness
how about
Forging Somewhat Superior Elite Fitness
Forging Moderately Elite Fitness
here's the best one yet
Forging Maximally Elite Fitness
how about putting something in front of the title
Possibly Forging Elite Fitness
Potentially Forging Elite Fitness
Most Probably Forging Elite Fitness
Likely Forging Elite Fitness
sorry got a a run there!
pierre - dude -
go easy on the wasabi and horsradish tea... i think it's clearing out TOO much!
But haven't had any yet!
then i dont know what to say! maybe dial back the caffeine.... ;)
did the WOD in probably double the time steve and sam rocked through it w/ 25#. although - i am pleased to report that it only took a year to be able to do ohs with dumbbells. :\
Crossfit Boston-forging wicked badass posedowns, one hoser at a time.
Too long?
Whole WOD took hours. Nearly 30 minutes of hours w/ #20 and #25. Hard to get back in the groove and could have used a helmet today with the close calls, bad form, lousy strength and those g-d one arm overhead squats.
I'll bring it next time. However, Steve, Eric, Sam, Jess and EC were fast and furious. Good group!
Have a good one!
9:06 with 30# DBs and 16kg KB
great work steve- I thought I had you in the begining!
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