Saturday, May 05, 2007

Saturday Olympic Lifting


Max Snatch for the Day
Max Clean and Jerk for the Day

Assistance: 3 x 12 Reverse Hyper

Jen, looking awfully happy to be doing thrusters.


Jonathan Gilson said...

130 on the snatch, 180 on the C&J.

Got some good advice on extension on the snatch--it feels like a totally different movement.

Cleans feel strong, but jerk was not, mostly due to recurring shoulder issues.

Once that's ironed out, I'll move some real weight.


Anonymous said...

85# for the snatch and 125# for the C&J no PRs today, but made my old maxes

great work on the clean today Jo!


Anonymous said...

Despite arriving about 2 hours late, I managed to pr on the cleans (110#) after getting some spectacular coaching from Neal. 80# on the snatch, but it wasn't pretty.
