Skill: Running Mechanics
WOD: "Pull up Madness"
Complete one pull up on the first minute, Complete two pull ups in the second minute, complete three pull ups . . . Continue as long as you can finish all pull ups within the corresponding minute.
Post completed rounds to comments.
The view from the top of "Belly Roll" in the Gunks.
Pullups - 15 (Jumping) Hopefully the next time this workout rolls around I'll actually be able to do a real pullup :-)
Will - good luck this weekend!!
improved to 11 rounds.
steve - the ripped blisters are worth it! 17 is awesome!
Pull up Madness- I did 13 jumping pull ups. I thought it would be easier because it was a modified version. Everyone did extremely well today. I was impressed. Justin did an amazing number of 17 with wounds to prove it. Laurie did 16 jumping. Way to go guys! Mike is leaving us for the summer. We'll miss you! -Jess
Got a significant improvement from the last time I tried this workout (Nov? Dec?) - went from 8 rounds to 11 - (nearly 12).
Walking lunges with the 95# bar were an interesting new challenge...
Congrats to Justin for 17 and the gory badges of honor to show for it.
10 rounds - not bad considering I could only do 3 pull-ups 2 months ago. crossfit rocks.
No one seems to want to talk about the 5 rounds of walking lunges and box step-ups with 95 lbs on our backs. Now that was fun. Thanks will.
Everyone in the 7am did great. Major props to Justin who did 17 with some pretty tore up hands. Well, I'm off to Cali for a couple of months so I won't see you guys till August. I'm going to do CrossFit out there, so hopefully I won't have lost any ground when I come back. See ya!
17 rounds
Travis, that's amazing improvement.
First time doing this workout. Finished the last round without a second to spare. Congrats to Justin for making it at least part way into round 18.
I must admit I bailed on the last set of lunges. I had nothing left.
Thanks everyone for a great morning.
And, Mike, have a great trip and come back strong. See you in August.
7:00 AM
10 Rounds on the Pullups
Did 4 rounds of the lunges with #75.
Great work by everyone.
9 rounds, before ripping open a hand. 95# on the walking lunges.
Nice work, 6:00 AM crew!
Someday,I'll do pull-ups like Steve.
Thanks for everyones encouragement today. Hats off to Steve for setting the bar so high. It was a pleasure to meet everyone this week and I look forward to seeing you all soon. Mike- Good luck in Cali.
8 rounds...totally aiming for 17 next time...
Seriously nice job to everyone this morning; there was a lot of heart, especially during the ridicuously hard first and second rounds. ;)
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