WOD/Test: Max Effort Dips/Push-ups
Rest 3 minutes
Max Double Unders within 10 minutes.
If the athlete is unable to perform unassisted dips, they should be tested on Push-ups. If the athlete is unable to perform double unders, they should do max single unders.
Team Building: Indian Runs
Line up the group in single file with the instructor leading. Head out on a run and have the last athlete sprint to the front and lead the group. Continue with the rear athlete sprinting to the front for twenty minutes or 5k, whichever comes first.

Female field hockey team on an indian run!
Fun on the Indian run!
Max Dips = 10
Double Unders = 42
What's the secret to double unders? For every one I completed, I whipped myself on two incompletes. I look like I've been in a fight.
Good work today everyone!
Felt like soccer practice all over again on the indian run...
9 dips
87 double unders - one at a time;)
Also thanks to Erik for some muscle-up tips...
The key Scott is to practice! You could include 5 minutes of double under practice every time you walk in the door and that would make a huge difference for your success.
Here are the standards, as of now, for double unders within 10 minutes
301+ - Pro
201-300 - Advanced
101-200 - Intermediate
<=100 - Novice
Rob Roman of Crossfit LA "Petranek Fitness" completed 662 double unders in 10 minutes. He did it by practicing 10 minutes of double unders every day for three months.
For those of you wondering about single standards. . .
901+ - Pro
601-900 - Advanced
401-600 - Intermediate
<=400 - Novice
Indian Run? well, I didn't vomit. That was a success in itself.
Max push-ups-25 (w/glove underneath)
Max Dbl-unders -100.
Nice turn out this am. Good job, folks!
Ok, I have been thinking about this and I am going to set a challenge.
In three months on Aug 31st, a Friday, we will have a Double Under contest! If any member can beat Rob Roman's 662, I will take them out for dinner to Abe and Louie's in the Back Bay. That's right, a nice dinner with yours truly, fully paid for, by yours truly. If more than one qualifies, then we will have more than two going to dinner.
You must register with me no later than June 6th, a week from today. Via e-mail:
Suck it up Buttercup!
Travis and all others that are on unlimited memberships. Get your butts in here more often. You are all doing great but you can even do better. Take advantage of the programming. It is set up to help you make gains. Consistency is the key.
Those of you on the Ten Card, three times a week is how often you should be here at a minimum. Look at what you are doing on your own. Does it fall in line with what we are doing in here? If no, why not?
What are your goals? Where do you want to be in one month, three months, a year from now? Make a plan and implement it!
7 AM had a 10 minute interval run (an Indian Run would have been ugly with only 2 athletes...).
Dips - 11 (need to spend more time on them, couldn't lock out #12)
Max Double Unders - 91 (One at a time, I hear you Travis).
I'll sign up for that one, but only if I don't owe you squat in return if I miss the mark...
22 dips
double-unders need practice
Great work on the push-ups, Jessica, Karen and Eileen!
27 push-ups
236 double unders
18 modified push-ups
70 double-unders
Good job on the run, 6:30 pm group!
Jumprope -- for those wanting to improve, here is a link with lots of tips:
fun indian run
7 dips
222 DUs
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