Thursday, November 16, 2006


CFWU 3 x 15

100 Burpees for time

WOD: 3 rounds for time

15 One-Arm Dumbbell Snatches (Left)
15 One-Arm Dumbbell Snatches (Right)
40 Walking Lunges

Post times for Burpee effort and WOD to comments.

Thor shows them how it's done--Yeah, Burpees!!!


Anonymous said...

100 burpees 10:?? Great job Thor and Linda!

WOD: 13:23 (35# db snatches)

Welcome to Crossfit, Sofia!

Anonymous said...

It was great to see some new faces today -- welcome to Sofia and Sherry.

Today's workout was (as usual) harder than it appeared when I first looked at it on the board. I gave up doing the full pushup on the burpees about halfway through - Jon said that was OK as long as I really jumped at the end and that worked fine for me!! My time was 9:xx

WOD was loads of fun, maybe14:xx? By the third round I had that familiar shaky all over feeling that tells me I'm approaching my limit. Cool! 20# on the DB snatches and I'm psyched because the last time I did a similar workout I had to step down to 15# halfway through. This stuff is actually working.

Thanks to Steve,Thor, Jon and Gramps for all the encouragement this morning!

Anonymous said...

Great job today, ladies and gentlemen.

Remember, the one-arm dumbbell snatch is a leg-driven movement. As such, the weight you're able to use is a function of your hip extension capacity. The more power you're able to transfer from the legs to the torso, the more you'll snatch!

Keep working it!

