Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Benchmark: Tabata Squats

WOD: "Jackie"
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (45# barbell)
30 Pullups

Skill: Instructor's Choice

Post Tabata Score and WOD Time to Comments.

EC, Nigel, and Erik take turns on the big box.


Colin said...

Tabata Squats and then Jackie was a funny joke this morning. Ha Ha.

Tabata Score - 20
Jackie - 9:58 (1:03 slower than my last best). Oof.

The team race was fun though...

- Colin

Anonymous said...

tabat 19, jackie 8.50.

Hats and sweaty shirts off to Steve today; he moved so fast he left a vapor trail behind...;
tabata 23(Eric? A-buh-bye)
Jackie sub 8.30.

The man is an animal....

Anonymous said...

21 for the tabata squats and 11:07 for Jackie

great effort by everyone this morning...jackie's interesting after tabata squats!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the props, Nigel.

Anonymous said...

This workout left me sore!!

Tabata squats: 12 (I am awed by Sam, Steve, and Nigel's numbers)

WOD in 10:04. But I have to learn to kip. I can ride a bicycle and tie my own shoes, so why can't I kip, too?
