Monday, May 21, 2007


Skill: Handstand Practice/HSPU Practice

WOD: Maximum Deadlift


Warm up to working sets with 5x50%, 3x75%, 2x80%, 1x90%. Post best deadlift to comments.

Crossfit Boston is going to get some t-shirts with the new logo! T-shirts will only be available to those who preorder on or before June 1st, and the cost is $20 per shirt. Place your order with Jon or Neal today!


Jonathan Gilson said...

Hey guys,

Good lifting today, including PRs for Nigel and Scott. Congratulations!

Regarding t-shirts, we're still looking for an inspirational slogan to put beneath the Crossfit Boston logo on the back of the shirts. Let's hear some suggestions!



Jonathan Gilson said...

How about "Redefining Fitness"?

ec said...

alright.... so not so inspirational, but really "what about cardio?" is still my favorite.

Anonymous said...

I like the current motto - "Forging elite fitness." It's the same as corporate's...why not identify with that?

Or why not "We throw around medicine balls" (just kidding)

Deadlift pr today @ 175 lbs.


Anonymous said...

I set a deadlift PR of 180#, blowing my previous one out of the water. Thank you, Neal:)
I didn't even steal/ borrow weights from Erik today!

I flipped over on 2 of my free-standing hand-stands today and almost landed in a bridge. Thanks to Jo who is the best hand-stand spotter/ coach.

How about, "Yeah, burpees!"


Colin said...

No PR for me today, instead a lot of personalized coaching ("Bad lifter! Bad lifter! No protein shake!"), and I've moved my max downwards until I can successfully coordinate my back and hips...

- Colin

Anonymous said...

How about: "One day, I will be as big of a deal as EC is." Maybe you could this one personalized just for me? Or...maybe not.


ec said...

oooo... alex, i think youre onto to something.

how bout "we're kind of a big deal"? if not, you and me, alex - we'll get our own.

ec said...

and dont forget the "alpha male" and the "i beat the alpha male" tshirts. now thats awesome.

Anonymous said...

EC stop flirting with Alex.

Scott, your PR was 275, not 175!

Mine was 295#, 20 higher than last time and catching up with Jon fast. I reckon 15 more years and I'll take him, easy.

Slogan; "No, I'm not retarded, I just finished Fran!"


Anonymous said...

Nigel, thanks for the I was all chuffed, thinking I pulled more weight than Scott, but now that makes more sense after seeing you guys load the bar!


Anonymous said...

Around 215#, kept it low in my atttempt to take a few days of "active recovery" to get over the season, we'll see how that goes...

Congrats to Scott and Nigel on their lifts!!

I'm assuming the t-shirt slogans have to be PG-13?



ec said...

nigel - jealously doesn't suit you. ;)

Unknown said...

How about...

"Death by rhabdosis doesn't scare me"


"I'm not throwing up because I'm sick, I just finished the filthy fifties"


"Pain is temporary, until tomorrow"


"Heals to China"


"Dead Lifts are fun for me."


you could put the slogan upside down and have it say "Yes, I am doing a hand-stand push-up"

Bored at work,


"Fat Boy" said...

Geez. You guys stink at this ;)

Scott, we're not allowed to use corporate's slogan. Plus, it's lame.

Jo, it doesn't have to be PG-13. "Snatch" is a legitimate weightlifting term...

