Friday, June 15, 2007



Skill: Front/Back Lever Variations

WOD: 10 Rounds for Time
10 Pullups
10 Pushups
10 Box Jumps

WOD Demo!

Taury blasting through an 800.


Anonymous said...


DFL, but that was 100 unmodified pullups, so I'll take it.

Thanks to everyone who cheered me on to the bitter end, the 0600 class rocks!


Unknown said...

Great work 6am crew.

19 and change, The push-ups were the hardest part for me. Thanks for the "gift" workout, Jon and Neal.

Nice video by the way...


Unknown said...

Considering you all rock... I am thinking about putting together a crossfit e-mail list if anyone wants to BBQ/grab a beer/play sports/rock climb/go to Will's highland games, etc.

Thoughts? shoot me an e-mail if you are interested.


Anonymous said...

It is inspiring to see everyone working so hard. Kudos to Jo for her stick-to-itness.

Demerits to me for not doing full kipping pullups. I promise to transition to them.

Today was the first time on a long workout where I changed from fearing I might not complete it to knowing I would complete it and instead trying to work faster.
