Thursday, May 03, 2007


Skill: DB Cleans from the Floor

WOD: 15-12-9

Deadlifts (85% 1RM)
DB Cleans from the Floor

Post time to Comments.

Jack and Mike work the L-sits.


Anonymous said...

The deadlifts at 85% (155 for me) proved to be my greatest challenge. 30# on the cleans. I finished DFL in 21:28 with a pathetic whimper. Jo, Erik and Jess got through this one in a much more elgant manner :-) Great work everyone -

Anonymous said...

7 am
185 for DLs, 30# for Cleans. Finished around 18:30.

Great job by everyone and thanks to Steve for the coaching.


Unknown said...

170 for the DL (a poor 73% of my max) and 35lbs. for the cleans. My back is still sore from Monday!


Anonymous said...

185# for the deads, 35# for the cleans...done in around 17-18 minutes.

Strong work this morning in the 6am class!


Anonymous said...

yay! i can post again! my computer loves me.

no surprise here - subbed everything due to hamstring.
front squats, body rows (ft elevated), and push press
95# and 24 and change min.

bart and i both had a PR during our pose down.


Anonymous said...

115 for DL (75% of my max)
15 for cleans (lighter do to injury)
finished around 20-21 min.
loving the push-ups!! hopefully I won't be doing them the girly way to much longer.

see you all tuesday 7am
