Thursday, May 24, 2007


Warm up

Test: 400 meter run

WOD: 3 Rounds
50 Weighted Squats
Rest precisely 3 minutes between each effort

Use DB's weighing 40, 30, or 20 pounds.

Post load used and times to comments.

Coaching, Community, Intensity - aka Crossfit


LindaW said...

400M run - 1:39. This is exactly the same time I ran when we did a set of 3 400s a couple of weeks ago. Apparently I have only one gear, which is anti-crossfit.

I don't remember my time for the WOD - 14 something? w/ 30# DB. This one was much harder than it looks.

Most importantly CONGRATULATIONS to Steve who graduates today!!


Anonymous said...

Ditto, Steve! Don't get a job that will take you away from Crossfit Boston!

1.18 on the 400, don't care about the WOD(which means I performed poorly)

lots of fun doing head and hand stands this AM - thanks Will


Anonymous said...

1:31 on the 400 and 12 something with 30's for the workout.

Congrats Steve!!


Unknown said...

1:26 on the 400, 35lbs for the workout, which was finished barely in 14+ minutes.

congrats steve.
