Friday, May 25, 2007


Warm up

Test: 500 meter row

WOD: Team Workout - "Big Angie"
150 Pull-ups
150 Push-ups
150 Sit-ups
150 Squats

The workout is to be down as teams of two. The volume can be split in any fashion the athletes prefer. Only one athlete can be working at a time and each element must be completed before moving on to the next.

Post time to comments.

Crossfit Hungary getting Angie!


LindaW said...

I drew the lucky straw today and got Scott for a partner. Thanks Scott, you did most of the work!!

Great work everyone - mad props to Jo and Travis who did the entire workout as prescribed.

Unknown said...

1:42 on the 500M row, my legs are still killing me for the 150 weighted squats yesterday... ugggh. I don't remember what time we finished in, I am just happy I kept up with Jo (most of the time;)

great work everyone!


Anonymous said...

The team efforts today were terrific.

My teammate Linda was highly motivated, and despite what she says, she did most of the work.

Kudos to sneaky Nigel and Robin who after 27 minutes beat us by just 8 seconds!!!

Hats off to Travis and Jo for doing the workout as prescribed.

Colin said...

Fun 3 person team this morning with Daisuke and Kim. Managed to tear a blister off before it tore itself and, avoided the blood / pus / pain...

500m Row - 1:36.5
Team Workout (200 reps) - 36:30 (?)

Anonymous said...

That scream you hear is me when I stand or sit today. Thanks to Neal's evil genius, yesterday's and today's WOD have rendered me wobbly.

Nice work everyone at the 6.00 am class; Linda, Scott and Travis are fast becoming Crossfit seasoned veterans, capable of any WOD. Scott and Linda finished today with a 1-mile run which they managed easily.

Jo continues to impress with her strength but also effort; she finished the row with nothing left; Neal you may consider supplemental oxygen for the truly Crossfit Crazy, starting with Jo.

Have a great weekend trying to walk down stairs everyone!


Anonymous said...

1:52 for the row...hit a wall at the last 200m and limped to the finish.

I don't have much memory of the workout except for endless pullups and frantic attempts to keep track of the reps we did. Props to Travis for being a kickass partner and to everyone else for beating us by like 20 minutes.
