Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Complete as many rounds in ten minutes as you can of:

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Post rounds and partial rounds completed to comments.


Practice Snatch technique for 30 minutes. Keep the weight light and set volume to no more than 5 reps.

Scott Sutton demonstrating the proper start position for a medicine ball clean.


Anonymous said...

I don't feel like I pushed myself hard enough on this WOD. I felt a little nauseous afterward but I attribute that to last night's fried food. I only did 9 rounds plus another 4 pull-ups.

With that said, the snatch practice was great. Someday I want to get a really big snatch like Will and Neal! :-) **That one was just for you EC**

--- Doug

Anonymous said...

I encourage you all to take a look at and check out the photo. Nice little publicity for Neal. Great to be a part of all of this...

And as for this morning-the snatch practice, the crazy warm-up, 10 minutes of hoo-ha and I still feel like I'm old.
Great job, everyone. Old and not so old.

Anonymous said...

doug, you should know better. as thor told me on st. patty's day - fried food is the antithesis of xfit!

and neal - you forgot to post the third part of wod (aka the new warmup). mountain climbers should never be performed within the first two minutes of class.
