Skills: Ring Supports, Ring L-sits, Inverts, Levers
WOD: 5 Rounds for Time
30 Kettlebell Swings (1.5 pood/1 pood/.75 pood)
20 Push-ups
15 Pull-ups
10 V-ups
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Marcia Stephens on "C-Wall", Quincy Quarry. Photo by John Knight.
Good old fashioned Crossfit Fun today.
20:15 for the WOD.
Thanks, guys!
The 7 a.m. crew did a fantastic job gutting this one out. Most of these guys are just getting started with Crossfit Boston, and they're performing exceptionally well. Nice work, fellas!
Broken blood vessels, popping sinuses; what a great way to start a week!
Nice mix of exercises and techniques today, Neal.
4 rounds at 14 minutes, rested 2 minutes then realized I had another round to go...19.45 for completion.
Quelle fromage!
20:34 w/body rows in lieu of pullups and modified pushups. 1 pood for KB swings. And I would say it was all haute fromage, Nigel.
Aargh. 20:41, with 1.5 pood KB, and body rows in lieu of pull-ups after round two. A great way to start the day, even if the result was not that pretty.
Nice ring work, everyone! Steve..I've never seen anyone able to rotate a full turn and a half about their shoulders as you appeared to do this AM on the rings!
Actually, my time was 20:50, sorry for the typo.
21:50 with the usual modifications.
i did the 4 rds, ohs/pu/pp wod from last week. apparently a bit slower than the 0600 crew... 1645 with 65#.
and four boat sprints - 500 m (1:42), 500 m (1:45), 250 m (0:50), and 250 m (0:55)
and neal, thank you for the bulgarian national anthem while i was practicing snatches. your "coaching" is so helpful.
18:45 using 1 pood. One hell of a day back...wasn't doing to well after.
leo, mike, kyle and guys are simply amazing. i am in awe of your ring-tastic capabilities. 13 and change for 4 rounds (obviously modified), damn those krav maga guys coming so early and crashing our workouts.
I leaving this damn island and coming back to the states!!! I'll be on leave soon. I hope to see everyone during my visit to boston.
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