WOD: "My Pet Rocks" III
Partner up. Each pair of athletes is responsible for a 30 or 40-pound pair of dumbbells, which cannot touch the ground during the entire workout. As one athlete works, the other holds the "Pet Rocks". Athletes will alternate with each exercise.
3 rounds for time:
30 Plate Cleans (25/35)
30 Ball Slams
30 Push-ups
400m Sprint
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did Hellen instead, cos' we're the rebelclass
Helen 11:10
Talk about a high-output WOD! This was one of those WODs that, on the board, doesn't look as tough as it really is.
I don't recall the time it took to complete, although for me it doesn't count, since my third-round push-ups were marginal at best.
Thanks, Will, for policing my form on the cleans and slams, and thanks especially to Erik, Jo and Linda for the motivation by example.
Kickass job to the 6am crew, props to Erik for putting up with my harrassment.
I think it was 36:55.
6am class with Jo - world's best partner. Finished neck and neck with the guys. After this fabulous workout, Will thought wind sprints/squat jumps were in order. What?
Muhahahaha Just wait until next week. I have been in class all week, and what do we do in class.... Make up workouts!!!!!
Anyone remember:
50, 40, 30, 20, 10
10, 20, 30, 40, 50
Double Unders
Yep, that was a classroom workout too.
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