Monday, May 07, 2007


Skill: Front Squat

WOD: For Time
Kettlebell Swings
Box Jumps
DB Push Press

Carolyn pulling under her dumbbell clean.


Anonymous said...

Nice work to all (especially Jo!) on the front squats!

Just under 8 min. on the WOD (2-pood KB, 35# DBs). Next time, I'll do faster pull-ups.


Colin said...

Front Squats were good - my sets of 3 were 1x185#, 2x215#.

WOD was a killer in sheep's clothing.
2pd KB, Tall Box, 55# DB Push Press - 8:42.

see you all in a week!

Anonymous said...

Front squats weren't so good, only got to #115-not quite 85%. 6:00 minutes for the WOD w/1 pood and #30 DBs.


Anonymous said...

115# FS
9:09 WOD w/ 1pd and 30#DB. Great fun was had by all

Anonymous said...

Another awesome workout.

My front squats were at 145 pounds (that's higher than my college weight over a decade ago!)

The WOD was a great workout. I don't know how long it took me. I don't remember the following half hour. I don't remember how I got home, either. In the ZONE.


Anonymous said...

125# for the front squats.

6:20 on the wod, 1.5 pd for swings and 30# for push press.

and yeah - im kind of a big deal. ;) dream big alex.


ec said...

oooo... i figured it out. i just hadn't switched to google blogger. im back in the game!

Anonymous said...

5:13 on the WOD. Used 60# DB for the swings, 100# barbell for the push presses, 2 foot box on the jumps.
