Friday, May 26, 2006




Post loads to comments.

Just another day at Crossfit Santa Cruz.


Jonathan Gilson said...

Cleaned 135# successfully a handful of times. A 30# jump left me chucking the bar to the floor. I love cleans.

The highlight: A 95# Gilson Get-up. To do this move, do half a clean, and then fall backward with the bar across your chest. Bench press it a couple of times, and then do a situp while you turn the bar on your right shoulder.

Do a 270 degree counter-clockwise turn, getting your feet under you. Agree with Will's assessment that you have "no idea why they don't like you at Gold's." Wait for applause.

ec said...

we did a team wod here in SD - what fun!

(everyone stays on the same activity - and works towards total # until complete)

150 C&J (Men: 95 lbs / Women: 45 lbs)
250 Pull-Ups
400 Push-Ups
450 Sit-Ups
Run 3 Laps w/ Heavy Bag (team effort)

check out: for some pics

our 4 person team came in only ~1 min behind a 5 person team - mainly cause greg does the work of two people!

have a a good weekend yall!

Will T said...

Worked up to 225 then failed at 255 I guess that a 30lb PR just wasn't happening. Sounds like a great time EC, I bet Neal and I can think up something horrible for the Boston crew. Hmmm 900 wall ball, 250 burpees.....