Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Brookline and Brighton WOD 081005

I thought today would be a great day to work on the lower body and hip function. So without further delay, today's Workout of the Day!

5 rounds of:

DB squat clean/lunge each leg/push press, 15 reps
150' bearcrawl
50 sit-ups

Post Time to comments.


"Fat Boy" said...

Great job by the six that made the class this morning. The average time of completion was 33 minutes. Weight used varied from 12.5 pounds up to 30 pounds. Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

ok so I have been crossfiting for about 3 years now. I'm in the military and my time in the service is almost up. I will be returning home to train for triatholons and hopefully pick up a job out there. Just a heads up when you guys see a new guy with you all in the mornings. Can't wait to get back home and crossfit in the city I so dearly love and hopefully meet some new comrads. Much peace and love.

"Fat Boy" said...


I am glad to see that you posted. You are welcome to join us any time! Thanks for serving.

"Fat Boy" said...

I made some revisions to the workout last evening in Brighton. There were 15 participants and a few that were new to the DB squat clean. Thus, I reduced the number of rounds to 4 and had everyone practice the movement instead of completing 5 rounds.

Average time was 30 minutes.