Friday, August 19, 2005

Brookline WOD 081905

Big focus on functional core strength and metabolic conditioning today and all were up to task.


400 meter run
15 Burpees
200 Revolutions on the jump rope
100 Sit-ups
100 Weighted Good mornings
800 meter run
15 V-ups
Tabata Burpees

Average finish time was 28 minutes.

1 comment:

"Fat Boy" said...

My workout today was completed with my client Michelle today.

We did "Helen."

3 rounds of:
400 meter run
1.5 pood kettlestack swing, 21 reps
12 pull-ups

My time was 9:13:53 as prescribed. A PR by two minutes for me.

Michelle's time was 11:15:45 with 50# assistance from jump bands and a 25# kettlestack.

Great job Michelle on your first "Helen"