Saturday, August 20, 2005

Why is America Great?

As Americans, we take a number of things for granted. I know it is easy to forget how we became the great country that we are today and I know it is easy to forget the sacrifices others make for us on a day to day basis while on strange and distant soil. One such person is Lt. Michael Murphy, SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team One, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Murphy died while conducting counter-terrorism operations in Kunar Province, Afghanistan. Coalition forces located the sailor while conducting a combat search and rescue operation July 4, 2005 in Kunar Province.

Our "Mothership,", honored Lt. Murphy by posting his favorite workout the other day. Please join this honoring of a great hero by completing his workout and let us know how you did.


For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

If you have access to a weighted vest, use it for this workout.

Post time to comments.

Also, to pay respects to Lt. Murphy and other heroes who have fallen defending our freedom and way of life, check out

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